
CC Week 5 - Unit Generators

Create a synthesiser code patch that demonstrates your understanding of unit generators. The code patches will need to select a form of synthesis (such as FM, AM, Additive etc) and integrate the base components of a synthesiser including pitch, amplitude and modulators.

// Triangle Oscillator at Audio Rate with Amplitude Modulation
{ LFTri.ar(
freq: 0.1, //Mod frequency
mul: 5,
add: 10
phase: 0,
mul: 800, //Mod Multiplier
add: 800 //Mod Addition
mul: 0.5, //Multily Amplitude
add: 0.1 //Add Amplitude

[1] Christian Haines. "Creative Computing: Semester 1, Week 5. Unit Generators." Lecture presented at EMU, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 29th March 2007.