
Forum Week 2 - Originality

CC Week 2 - MIDI n to freq

With the assistance of your function from the previous week create a control structure that generates the entire MIDI note range of frequencies. The code will build and print an array that contains note name, octave number, MIDI note number and frequency.

// build a table of note names

var table = ();

var semitones = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11];
var naturalNoteNames = ["c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "a", "b"];

arg o;


arg c, i;

var n = (o + 1) * 12 + semitones[i];

table[(c ++ o).asSymbol] = n; table[(c ++ "s" ++ o).asSymbol] = n + 1; //determine sharp
table[(c ++ "ss" ++ o).asSymbol] = n + 2; //determine double sharp
table[(c ++ "b" ++ o).asSymbol] = n - 1; //determine flat
table[(c ++ "bb" ++ o).asSymbol] = n - 2; //determine double flat


"Pitch class and Octave Number, MIDI Note Number, Frequency Value" .postln;
a = table.atAll (#[a4].postln).postln;// Creates MIDI Note number --Enter Pitch class and Octave number here.

a = 2**((a-69)/12) *440; //Coverts MIDI note number to frequency value


[1] Christian Haines. "Creative Computing: Semester 1, Week 2. Introduction (2)" Lecture presented at EMU, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 08/03/2007.


AA Week 2 - 5.1 Surround

This week in Audio Arts we examined 5.1 technology. 5.1 simply refers to the speaker setup employed to create spatial effects which we enjoy in the movie cinemas. The 5 refers to the 5 satellite speakers set up around the listener specifically, Left and Right, Center, Rear Left and Right. The .1 refers to the subwoofer, which due to the nature of low end frequencies is uni directional, and hence can be placed anywhere. In spite of this, cinema setups generally incorporate the sub woofer to the left at the front of the room.